March 2012


Mons D.Sisca Primary School will host March's event, a tricoloured relay race.
Draw 3 rings (red-white-green) on the wall (hula hoop size) or put the 3 coloured rings on
the ground. For each ring, a throw line 3 meters from the wall if 1st
year class is involved, 4 meters for 2nd year class, and so on.
Divide the children into three groups with a soccer or playground ball for each group.
The first player runs, stops at the line and throws the ball up to
the ring (trying to make a basket), catches the ball and passes it to the
second player.
The time is recorded for the first group to finish. There will be 2 seconds subtracted from their final time for each scored basket (ex.
time 30sec +5 baskets=35sec-10sec=25sec).

Enjoy your tricoloured relay race and good luck all!