February 2012

February’s Kidlympic event.

Three-legged race Rules:

The race is ‘run’ at a fast walking pace over 100m either in a straight line or around a circuit.

Match two children for height / build.
Tie one of each child’s ankles with a scarf, cotton rope or bandana. You will be tying a right leg to a left leg so that the pair is facing the same direction.

Make sure there isn't anything hanging down to trip the team and don't tie it too tight.
The time is recorded for the first pair to cross the finish line.

Safety tips:

Familiarity with technique is important and needs to be practised at a slow walk before trying to increase speed.  Only use soft binding for the legs and do not over tighten

February Event Announced!

Foxdale School in the Isle of Man will host February's event,  a 100m three legged race to represent their national flag, the "Three Legs of Man".

"Quoconque jeceris stabit" (translating literally as "Whithersoever you throw it, it will stand.")